Pedalling through the City: A Beginner's Guide to Cycling in Bengaluru

Pedalling through the City: A Beginner's Guide to Cycling in Bengaluru

The vibrant city of Bengaluru! Where the hustle and bustle of daily life can sometimes be overwhelming. 

If you're looking for a fun and eco-friendly way to navigate the city, cycling is the perfect solution! In this beginner's guide, we'll cover essential tips to stay safe on the road and help you with some of the top cycling areas in Bengaluru to get you started!  

So, hop on your saddle and let's explore the cycling scene in the Garden City! 

Get Your Cycling Basics Right

Before you hit the road, it's important to make sure you're equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to enjoy a safe and comfortable ride. Here are some basic cycling tips for beginners:

Find the Right Bicycle 

Choosing the right bicycle is a must for a comfortable and enjoyable ride. 

At Gro Club, we offer bicycles on a subscription basis, making it super easy and convenient for you to get started. Our range of bicycles cater to different preferences and needs.

So whether you're looking for a city cruiser or a bicycle that’s more sturdy for long routes, we’ve got you!

Wear Protective Gear

This is a no-brainer, but we’re still putting this out here because it should NEVER be neglected.

Safety must always be your top priority.  

Invest in a well-fitted helmet to protect your head in case of a fall or collision. With this, wear bright and reflective clothing to make yourself more visible to the other road users, especially during low-light conditions. 

Sturdy footwear will provide a firm grip on the pedals and ensure a long relaxing ride.

Learn Basic Cycling Signals

Communication is key on the road. 

So familiarise yourself with hand signals that indicate turns, stops, and lane changes. 

In this city, it’s a well practised gesture to stick out your arm, in the direction you’re taking a turn towards, a few seconds before taking the actual turn. This is a great way to indicate the vehicles behind you and ensure a safe uninterrupted turn. 

Start Slow and Steady

Bengaluru wasn't built in a day, and neither will your cycling stamina. 

So start off with shorter rides to build up your endurance and gradually increase the distance and intensity. Remember, cycling is not a race but an enjoyable activity to savour at your own pace.

Reflective gear

Invest in reflective clothing and accessories, especially when cycling during low-light conditions. 

This will enhance your visibility to other road users, reducing the risk of accidents.

Navigating The Bengaluru Traffic

Bengaluru's traffic can be quite challenging, even for seasoned cyclists. So familiarise yourself with local traffic rules and adhere to them while riding.Treat yourself as a vehicle on the road and abide by traffic rules and regulations. 

Observe traffic signals, yield to pedestrians, and always ride in the same direction as traffic flow. Respecting the rules of the road fosters a harmonious coexistence with other road users and ensures a safer riding experience.

Here’s a pro-tip.

If you aren’t confident in your turns, get off the bicycle and walk with it till you reach the side of the road where you can truly conquer your riding skills! Remember, this isn’t about being the greatest rider of all time. Practice makes perfect.

But if you’re a total newbie, we recommend you opt for cycling during low-traffic hours to minimise the interaction with vehicles on the road. 

Plan the route

Bengaluru has a plethora of cycling-friendly areas that cater to riders of all levels. 

Plan your route in advance, considering factors like traffic flow, road conditions, and popular cycling areas. Exploring new routes can be exciting, but always have a backup plan and a map to avoid getting lost.

Here are some great areas that you can start exploring as a newbie rider!

Top Cycling Areas in Bengaluru

Hesaraghatta Lake 

For a serene and scenic ride, venture towards Hesaraghatta Lake. 

This lake allows you to escape the city's chaos and pedal along the tranquil lakeside. Enjoy the refreshing breeze, spot various bird species, and revel in the beauty of nature. It's the perfect getaway for nature-loving cyclists!

Hulimavu Lake

Situated in South Bengaluru, Hulimavu Lake provides a tranquil setting for cycling enthusiasts. With well-maintained paths and scenic views, this area is perfect for beginners looking to enjoy a peaceful ride. Immerse yourself in nature as you cycle around the lake, spotting birds and enjoying the calm ambiance.

Don’t forget to take a moment to appreciate the tranquillity of the water and the serenity of the surroundings!

You can make your way back to the city, feeling accomplished and refreshed!

Around Vidhana Soudha

The area surrounding the iconic Vidhana Soudha is a popular choice among cyclists. With wide roads and minimal traffic on weekends, it's an ideal location to explore the city's architectural marvels while pedalling away. 

Ride past historical landmarks and government buildings, soaking in the cultural heritage of Bengaluru!

Manyata Tech Park

If you're seeking a complete traffic-free zone, Manyata Tech Park is your go-to spot!

This tech hub is relatively empty on weekends, providing ample space for cyclists to ride freely and enjoy the surroundings. The well-paved roads within the park make it a smooth and comfortable ride, allowing you to focus on your pedalling and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.

Cubbon Park

Cubbon Park is a cyclist's paradise in the heart of Bengaluru!

The park offers a dedicated cycling track where you can enjoy a leisurely ride amidst lush greenery. The well-maintained paths, shaded by towering trees, provide a refreshing escape from the bustling city. 

As you cycle through Cubbon Park, you'll also come across beautiful gardens, fountains, and even a library, adding to the charm of your ride.

When it comes to cycling in Bengaluru, Gro Club is your ultimate cycling companion. With our subscription-based service, you can make it convenient for you to enjoy the joys of cycling without any hassles.

Cycling in Bengaluru offers a unique way to explore the city, connect with nature, and embrace a healthier lifestyle. 

So subscribe to Gro Club, grab your helmet, hop on your Gro cycle, and get ready to pedal through some amazing adventures! 

And tell us, what are  some of your favourite cycling spots in Bengaluru?