How to Teach Cycling to Kids Without Training Wheels?

How to Teach Cycling to Kids Without Training Wheels?

Teaching our kids the skill of cycling is one of the highlights of every parent’s life. The reward is even sweeter. We finally watch our kid hit those pedals and whoosh against the wind with confidence and independence.

We at Gro Club believe that there is only one key factor in the art of riding a bicycle — Balance. So, if balance is the central ability upon which the entire skill of cycling is built, it becomes necessary to recognize how it can be achieved.

Hence, Gro club believes that adding training wheels on a kid’s bicycle before they can even learn how to ride actually prolongs the training process.

Balancing shouldn’t be avoided but rather be learnt right from the start. So how do we teach kids to balance without the training wheels?

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

Let Them WANT To Learn

To simplify the entire process, we must get the beginning right.

Be it any life skill, the learning process can be hectic for both the learner and the teacher if their interest isn’t in the skill. Introducing cycling to our kids when they’re not ready will only result in a lengthier learning process and tantrums.

Hence, it becomes crucial to let them decide if they want to learn cycling and not force the skill upon them.

One way to get them to be more open to learning is by simply introducing them to other kids of the same age who are learning how to ride. We can also do this by taking them to a local park where there will be, for sure, numerous children also learning how to ride.

After all, Bengaluru is vast in its cycling culture!

A Safe and Steady Ride

Most of the time, kids hold back on trying out new things. Despite their curious minds, they tend to shy away from things outside their comfort zone. This tendency is triggered more when paired with fear towards the new experience.

What we, as parents, can do to counter this is to help them feel more secure and safe in trying out new things. When it comes to cycling, the best way to make them feel guarded is by teaching them the importance of wearing safety gear.

With the knowledge that safety gear protects them from injuries due to a fall, children feel much more secure and confident in taking it on the road.

Another great way to make kids feel more secure is by simply holding the back of their cycles. This goes without saying, but, giving the bicycle and the kid a head start before pedalling and offering support makes the child trust in their ability to ride, while assuring the comfort of safety.

Eventually, the support can be reduced. And in no time, kids will begin to pedal and balance on their own without the help of a parent!

Try a Balance bike

Remember, how we explained the foundation of riding a bicycle is balance?

To achieve this goal, kids need to use their legs more to control the kick-start and speed of a running cycle. This is also an ability that teaches later on the importance of applying brakes or using the legs to initiate the stop.

A balance bike is similar to a regular cycle or scooter that does not have pedals on the sides. To move forward, the child must push against the ground. As the speed is picked up, the legs can be placed on the sides of the balance bike.

This is an effective method that can be practised before introducing your kid to an actual bicycle. It ensures that the child learns the ability to control their speed as well as balance.

In case you don’t have a balance bike, don’t worry. You can easily remove the pedals and support wheels of Gro Club’s Flyer bicycle and make it into a balance bike.

Positive Reinforcement

Regular practice is responsible for mastering any skill. But with kids’ low attention span, it becomes a repetitive and often ignored step in learning.

Positive Reinforcement is a great way to motivate children to keep practising. It is when a particular behaviour of the child is commended by the parent and will, therefore, be practised more often.

Cycling is a relatively easy life skill. However, it is necessary to consider the amount of effort it takes to learn how to ride a cycle. With kids, newer tasks are easily grasped, but they require time and patience to master.

So, praise their efforts, celebrate their progress, and make learning to ride a bicycle a fun experience!

Gro Club offers bicycles on a subscription basis. With the service to exchange the cycles as and when your kids grow! Not to forget the hassle-free maintenance and servicing.

Teaching and learning how to ride a cycle is a fulfilling and empowering experience. Tell us when you are introducing your kid to a gro-ing experience.